• High-throughput compound-genome analysis based on (Bar-Seq) technique
Research Results
• Barcode deletion strain collection.The barcode deletion strain library made it possible to monitor the population variation of all deletion strains in a mixed culture medium of all gene deletion strains. This makes it possible to screen the function of each gene under various environmental conditions.
• We developed two types of gene deletion strains collection, which enables experimental genetic interaction analysis by constructing ultra-efficient double deletion strains by joining.
• We have been working on the development of a highly efficient gene transfer method using junctions. We have been using F plasmid for gene transfer, but now we are using RP4 plasmid for genome size heterologous gene transfer.
• We have made it possible to experimentally produce very large amounts of information. We will use this information, along with a number of statistical analysis methods, to conduct research aimed at elucidating the fluctuating state of dynamic intracellular network structures due to environmental changes.